Biografías (a) normalizadas o de cómo sobrevivir al dispositivo de la discapacidad
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How to Cite

Angelino, M. A., Almeida, M. E., Rosato, A., Benedetti, L., Priolo, M., Strada, V., & Tischler, A. (2019). Biografías (a) normalizadas o de cómo sobrevivir al dispositivo de la discapacidad. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología Suplemento, 9(9). Retrieved from


This communication retrieves aspects of PID 5016 “Disability and normality ideology in a biographic-narrative key”, developed between 2015 and 2017 in the School of Social Work at the

UNER. With his project, fourth on a line of research, we set to produce knowledge about the experiences of the disabled in a biographic-narrative key; by debating the relations between policies, disability and state, and intending to look, in a both dense and microscopic way, at the forms this relations assume on everyday life.

We look for the singular experiences of those who configure their trajectories in a scenario crossed

by disability, as a control device and attribution of devalued identities (Rosato, A-Angelino MA 2009,

Angelino 2014), to answer questions such as What biographies are built/configured by this pathologizing modality of understanding and attending to dissident subjectivities? How does this

constitute the (re)production and permanence of medicalised and medicalising ways of understanding and attending to singularities and, as a result, of producing disability? What do the

disable (un)do with the mandates that the disability device imposes upon them?

We intend to follow the lead of practices, processes and state effects to access the behind the scenes of the production and reproduction of disabled subjects and identities.

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