Num. 4 (November 2019)

Cover Number 4. Vertical rectangular cover, with full-page photograph. Color photograph, in shades of lilac-violet, with detail in green. Extreme close-up of a paper filigree. High-angle shot, with wide-angle focusing on the main detail, rest of the field out of focus. The main image is an oval shape made of intense pink paper scrolls, on a flat background with shades of lilac-violet. Towards one end of the oval of pink scrolls, a scroll of green color that characterizes the Campaign for the Right to Abortion. In the upper left corner, there is the logo of the Magazine, towards the left a square of burgundy color, with rounded corners. In the lower right corner stands out a cut-out drawing that retains a small interior line. There are three overlapping circles resembling a flower or a clover. This image is representative of a theoretical option that seeks to move away from binary schemes, to think about the bond, even, as a thirdness. On the left side in uppercase white letters, you can read the word Education, below, the symbol 'et' and the word bonds. In smaller font size, you can read Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Education. In the lower left corner, the number and other data of this edition.
Published: 2018-02-13


Artículos. Educación y formación

  • The teachers in the past of education: biographies about the argentine high school to a utopical narration

    Francisco Ramallo, Luis Porta
    9 - 20
  • Subjective constitution and pedagogical bond: what does «being an adult» mean in school?

    Brenda Belén Walker
    21 - 29
  • Reflections about the figure of auxiliary teacher in integration processes in common schools

    Paola Casco, Camila Montesino Mársico
    30 - 38

Reseñas. La biblioteca de Educación y Vínculos

  • Mysterious civilization About: Remontando el río Paraná, by Theodore Child. Paraná: EDUNER, 2018.

    Franco Giorda
    40 - 44
  • The legacy of Germán García: words, knowledge and listening. About: Palabras de ocasión. Entrevistas a Germán García, by César Fernando Mazza. Córdoba: Los Ríos Editorial, 2018.

    Gastón Baldomir
    45 - 48

Sección especial. Conversaciones para un feminismo descentrado

  • Lo que se cifra en el nombre. Entrevista al Colectivo de la Biblioteca Pedro Lemebel de barrio El Sol de Paraná

    Carina Muñoz, Sonia Luquez
    50 - 65

Entrevistas. Serie Maestros y sus maestros

  • «Veo la sociedad entera permeada de pequeños magisterios». Entrevista a María Teresa Andruetto

    Carina Muñoz, Sonia Luquez
    67 - 81

Dossier. Derechos humanos, resistencias políticas y experiencias esi

  • Comprehensive sex education: current routes and scenarios

    Guadalupe Molina
    83 - 94
  • Rights, sexual citizenship and disobedient vulnerabilities. Learn from childhood, move the parentage

    Alicia Naput
    95 - 103
  • About how we approach harm from Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)

    Diana Eberle
    104 - 111