Num. 1 (February 2018)

Cover Number 1. Vertical rectangular cover with full-page photograph. Color photograph of a paper filigree. On a background shaded in shades of blue and white resembling sky with clouds, towards the lower right corner of the page are scrolls of different sizes, shapes, and colors, green, red, yellow, blue, and black, alluding to diversity. In the upper left corner, there is the logo of the Magazine, towards the left a square of burgundy color, with rounded corners. In the lower right corner stands out a cut-out drawing that retains a small interior line. There are three overlapping circles resembling a flower or a clover. This image is representative of a theoretical option that seeks to move away from binary schemes, to think about the bond, even, as a thirdness. On the left side in uppercase white letters, you can read the word Education, below, the symbol 'et' and the word bonds. In smaller font size, you can read Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Education. In the lower left corner, the number and other data of this edition.
Published: 2018-02-13


Articles. Cultures and communication

  • Art and inclusion in post-industrial capitalism

    Antonio Gabriel Michou
    8 - 23
  • Violence-bond, a possible resolution from emotional communication

    Verónica Beatriz Odetti
    24 - 39

Reviews. Educación y Vínculos’ library

  • Notes on Pedagogías transgresoras. About: Pedagogías transgresoras, by Deborah Britzman et al., Córdoba: Bocavulvaria, 2016

    Mariana Saint Paul
    41 - 46

Interviews. Teachers and their teachers

  • Walking on the footprints of Pichon Rivière’s Enseñaje. Interview with Lucy

    Eda Carina Muñoz, Sonia Luquez
    49 - 58

Dossier. Inclusive education

  • Pedagogical link, social bond and transmission

    Eda Carina Muñoz
    60 - 75
  • Beyond the norm: reports from high school

    Bárbara Correa, Marina Chaves
    76 - 88
  • Mapping stories, enhancing recognition. Collaborative research with the Argentine deaf community

    María Eugenia Almeida, María Alfonsina Angelino, Vilma Strada, Sebastián Acosta, Edgar Sosa
    89 - 101
  • Researching «across» languages. About the experien- ce of an inquiry into situations at a school for the deaf and at university

    Sonia Liliana Luquez
    102 - 110
  • The uses of oral history. Theoretical and political re- flections on a collaborative research experience on the stories of the argentine deaf community

    Laura Marcela Naput
    111 - 122
  • Inclusive university education and the importance of cow auscultation

    Verónica Rusler
    123 - 132