Women and education in prison times. Senses and subjec-tive implications of the educational trajectories during the confinement


  • Diana Evangelina Grinovero Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, Argentina


Education, Women, Prision, Mental Health


The article presents a recapitulation of the main constructs of ideas that were arrived at from the thesis work for the Master in Mental Health of the Faculty of Social Work of the National University of Entre Ríos (FTS-UNER), where I have studied and analyzed the meanings that women in prison confinement give to education during the time of detention. The work was carried out between 2016 and 2019 in the Women's Penal Unit of the city of Paraná, focusing on the intersection of the education and mental health categories.

Assuming the harmful traces that the prison leaves installed in the subjectivities of those who go through it here, an analysis, recognition and interpretation of the ways in which these women resignify the intramural educational trajectories for their personal lives during confinement and what expectations they can produce regarding of other possible futures.


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How to Cite

Grinovero, D. E. (2020). Women and education in prison times. Senses and subjec-tive implications of the educational trajectories during the confinement. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 2(6), [ 179 – 191 ]. Retrieved from https://pcient.uner.edu.ar/index.php/EyV/article/view/904


