La personalización del aprendizaje: estrategias de adaptación de contenido con inteligencia artificial en entornos educativos




inteligencia artificial, personalizacion de aprendizaje, educación, estrategias


The objective of this article is to describe the strategies that allow the personalization of learning through the adaptation of content with artificial intelligence in educational environments. The methodology used was bibliographic design through the review of various scientific studies published in previous years from 2020 to the present. The results obtained guide Recovery, Reuse, Review and Retention. Therefore, the grouping and classification of cases, selection and generation of cases, learning and indexing of cases, measurement of cases, recovery and inference of cases, reasoning, adaptation rules and data mining are defined, which are tasks of artificial intelligence (AI). The conclusions obtained were the technical mastery of technology, including the management of digital resources, as well as tools and applications. Personalization of learning involves the cognitive domain and involves converting information into knowledge through critical and creative thinking exercises, which requires the teacher's adequate analysis and design process for the precision of instructional objectives and the achievement of academic goals.


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How to Cite

Parraga, J. A., Macías Zambrano, R. M. ., & Tubay Cevallos, L. A. (2024). La personalización del aprendizaje: estrategias de adaptación de contenido con inteligencia artificial en entornos educativos. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 64–77.


