Notes to twist and disproportionate what is straight. Between activisms, the ESI, the fatness and the queer


  • Agustina Favre Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina
  • Vanina Hauff Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina



ESI, queer, pedagogy, bodies, activisms


In the context of the course "Pedagogical Reflexivity Space between Disciplines I: Imagining ESI. Sex-Political
Rights, Educational Agency and Somato-Pedagogical Commotions" for the Teaching and Bachelor's Degree in
Education Sciences, we propose in this paper to take a brief look at the social and pedagogical ways of looking
at the body, and especially, fatness. We conducted a small cartography of activism in Argentina and Latin
America, and attempted to trace different rhetorics that tell us something about fatness, as identity, problem, and
as a political body, in order to then attempt to exaggerate, from a situated, critical, and queer perspective, its
relations with ESI (Comprehensive Sex Education) and pedagogy, the conflicts within activism, and the ways of
confronting social hatred and discrimination with one's body.


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Documentos consultados

Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (2022). ¿Qué ves cuando me ves? Aportes, perspectivas y reflexiones sobre la discriminación y la política de los cuerpos gordos. / 1a ed. Recuperado de:

Colectivo Gordes Andando (2021). Guía elaborada para el Primer Encuentro Plurinacional de Gordes en Argentina realizado el 27 de noviembre de 2021 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recuperado de:



How to Cite

Favre, A., & Hauff, V. (2023). Notes to twist and disproportionate what is straight. Between activisms, the ESI, the fatness and the queer. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 82–99.



Sección Conversaciones para un feminismo descentrado