Mediatized educational practices of students during the pandemic in a Faculty of Educational Sciences


  • Gonzalo Andrés Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos – CONICET, Argentina



COVID-19, university, distance education, university students


This article presents a research on Mediatized Educational Practices implemented in the Faculty of Education Sciences of the National University of Entre Ríos (Argentina) during the period 2020-2021. The study investigated the actions, attitudes and perceptions of students who take traditionally face-to-face courses. For the qualitative analysis, it was implemented a model comprising the Institutional, Social, Technological and Textual dimensions. These dimensions include various technical, organizational, social and cultural factors that shape educational contexts. The main results highlight that during virtualisation students appreciated the possibility of downloading bibliography, the ease of accessing information and the possibility of studying in different places and times. However, the lack of personal interaction with peers and the impossibility to occupy the institution's building discouraged students from staying on the course. In effect, those who had a previous university education were better able to cope with this educational virtualisation. Instead, who had greater difficulties those had less previous experience of face-to-face university life.


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How to Cite

Andrés, G. (2022). Mediatized educational practices of students during the pandemic in a Faculty of Educational Sciences. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 37–58.


