
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published and has not been submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • The shipment does not contain citations without the pertinent bibliographic references (APA rules).
  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The submitted file does NOT contain the names of the authors.
  • Text is single spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Publication Norms that appear in About the journal.

Author Guidelines

Themes and sections

The Articles we receive may be the result of research, essays or work experiences related to the purposes of the Journal, or bibliographic reviews, especially from university and independent publishers. The suggested lines of work are the following:

  • Political education and rights: Analysis of public policies from the perspective of rights and social inclusion. Emergence of political subjects. Interventions in the public space. Disputes of meaning.

  • Education, teaching and learning: Analysis and educational intervention. Problems and problematizations of the school space. Subjects and processes of subjectivation.

  • Disability and educational equality: Challenges of universal accessibility. Pathologization, normalization, normativity. Disability and rights in the educational field.

  • Cultures, communication and education: Intersections and redirections between education and cultural production. Production of knowledge and production of meaning. Education and the right to culture.

  • Psychoanalysis and Mental Health: Subjectivation and education processes: education-mental health-psychoanalysis intersection. Transmission and creation. Corporality and care. Violence. Social bond, intergenerational relationships.

  • Feminisms, studies of genders and sexualities. Queer and ESI pedagogies: Feminist and queer polemics around bodies, genders and sexualities. Aesthetic-political commotions in education and pedagogy. ESI as a Human Right and as a field of sex-political and educational agency.

The sections Interviews, Conversations for a decentralized feminism and the Thematic Dossier are made up at the proposal of the Editorial Committee.

The Dossier can also be organized by open call, in which case it will be done one year in advance. The convocatory for the Articles and Reviews sections will remain open during the year and will close for each issue in the months of March and September, respectively.

Rules for presentation of articles

  1. Authors: Up to 4 authors. The data of the authors (name and surname; academic membership and position; institutional email) must be loaded at the time of generating the user to access the platform. The authors must register individually on the journal's website and may not submit more than 1 (one) article per issue.

  2. Type of text: Once the section for which the writing is to be presented has been chosen, the length of the articles according to the section must be taken into account: Interviews, up to 6500 words. Articles, between 4000 and 6000 words. Reviews, between 750 and 1500 words.

  3. Structure and content:


    • Article title: centered and in bold, up to 20 words (in Spanish and English).

    • Abstract of up to 200 words in Spanish and English: justified and 1.5 spacing. Times New Roman 10.

    • Keywords (in Spanish and English): five, separated by hyphens (−). Times New Roman 10.

    Text body

    • Times New Roman 12. Line spacing: 1.5. Justified. Margins: top and bottom: 2.5 cm. Right and left: 3 cm. Bleeding: none.

    • In case of using inclusive language, use the letter e. Avoid using x, @, * or others.

    • To highlight or emphasize words, use italics. Avoid using bold, capital letters, underlining, and quotation marks.

    • Outside the body of the text, do not add images, dates, logos or any type of design.

    • Extension: According to type of text.

General formal guidelines

The journal in general will follow the rules provided by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) Number 7. When in doubt, consult in:

The works must have a simple and direct structure; save internal logic in its formulation and achieve the development of a complete theme in the expected extension.

  • Avoid words written in capital letters (except for acronyms). Titles and subtitles must be written in upper / lower case. No underlining.

  • Acronyms must be developed the first time they appear in the text.

  • Do not divide words. The only hyphens used are to separate compound words.

  • Do not use automatic notes. Place them at the end of the text (Use Endnotes tool in word processor). The typography of the notes must be Times New Roman 10. The notes will be used to expand what is developed in the main body, clarify a concept, add a comment, give information about what is referred to, establish relationships, add observations, etc., provided that you want to do it without interrupting the continuity of the speech. They will not be used to indicate bibliographic references.

  • Submissions to bibliography are made using the author-date system, only with the author's last name followed by the year of location and the page number, all in parentheses. Example: (Terrero, 1999, pp. 98-99). In the case of two authors (Rodríguez and Sánchez, 2004); If there are more than two authors, it will be noted (Sánchez et al., 2003).

    When the authors are mentioned in the sentence, the year of publication will be indicated in parentheses: "As indicated by Rodríguez (2004), ..."

  • The authorship of the textual citations (in quotation marks and in normal type) will be indicated in the same way, but adding the page number from which it has been extracted: "the series of relationships actually existing at a given moment" (Baranger, 1997, p. 25).

Citations, bibliographic references and notes

Keep in mind the following points:

  1. The bibliographic references are indicated as follows: Last Name, N. (year). Title of the work. Publisher. If the book has two or more authors, it is indicated as follows: Last Name, N. and Last Name, N. (year). Title of the book. Publisher.

  2. If more than one work is listed by the same author, they will be ordered by year; and if more are cited within the same year, they are identified by adding a letter in alphabetical order, for example: 1984a, 1984b, etc.

  3. When more than one book by the same authors is cited, the name is not repeated. A long dash is placed before the year of publication.
    Magariños de Morentin, J. Á. (1984a). Del caos al lenguaje. Tres Tiempos.
    ———— (1984b). El mensaje publicitario. Hachette.

  4. If it is an article that appeared in a magazine or newspaper, the title of the article is in normal characters. Then goes the name of the magazine or newspaper in italics, volume, number and page numbers. Example: Heler, M. (2010). Claroscuros de la responsabilidad social organizacional, una mirada desde la filosofía. Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología, 40, 47-73. 

  5. If it is an article published in an anthology, the title of the article is in normal characters, after a period it is written "In:" and the bibliographic reference of the work that includes the article is recorded, indicating at the end the pages occupied by the article. Example: Corfield, M. I. (2008). Algunas claves para leer este tiempo (1915-1930). En: Castells, M. del C. y Migueles, M. A. (coord.). Didáctica y pedagogía. Trayectorias y movimientos. Un análisis de la configuración del campo en Entre Ríos y Santa Fe (1915-1930). EDUNER. 21-47. ISBN: 978-950-698209-6.

Electronic Document References

Frequently Asked Examples:

Books: Busaniche, B. (ed.) (2010). Argentina copyleft. La crisis del modelo de derecho de autor y las prácticas para democratizar la cultura. Böll Cono Sur y Fundación Vía Libre.

Personal author: Negrete Arteaga, T. de J. (2022). La investigación-intervención educativa. Un exhorto y alteración de lo convencional en y desde la vida contemporánea: Preceptos conceptuales y metodológicos sobre intervención educativa. Educación Y Vínculos. Revista De Estudios Interdisciplinarios En Educación, 21–36.

Rules for writing reviews

The same protocols are followed as for the writing of articles.


  1. Data of the book reviewed: About: Title of the book, Name and Surname of the authors (without abbreviation). Place of publication, Editorial, Year.

  2. Name of the authors of the review, university or institution to which it belongs and email.

    When the information is put in English, the name of the book must be written in Spanish
    About: Haciendo historias. 20 años de la carrera de Psicología de FHAyCS-UADER, by Luisina Bourband (compiler). Paraná: Editorial UADER; Rosario: Laborde editor, 2022.

Standard review: The reviewed book must have appeared within the last two years. Length, between 750 and 1500 words.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established within it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.