Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología

Current Issue

Vol. 36 No. 73 (ene-abr) (2025)
Published January 2, 2025

Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología is a refereed, multidisciplinary open access scientific journal that aims to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in Argentina and Latin America. Since 1990 it has been edited and funded by the National University of Entre Ríos and publishes original research articles in Spanish and Portuguese by national and international researchers. Until 2020, CDyT was published in May and November. As of Num. 62 may-ago (2021), it adopts the continuous publication mode, publishing three issues in April, August and December.


María Florencia Becerra, Danisa Siomara Bastida, Carolina Chirino, Valerie France Gänswein, Alcides Juan Diego Caballero, Carolina Clerici
Teaching and assessment devices in the virtual and face-to-face class: Flipped classroom and game-based assessment
PDF (Español (España))
Carina Alejandra Rudolph, Daniela Paola Quiroga, Carla Inés Maturano
Writing of Analysis of Technological Product at the Secondary Level
PDF (Español (España))
Jose Angel Vera Noriega, Claudia Karina Rodriguez Carvajal , Ignacio Villegas Yanez, Jesús Tánori Quintana
Competencies in ICT and Cultural Capital in Students in initial training as teachers in the Northwest of Mexico.
PDF (Español (España))
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ISSN 1851-1716 (en línea)  •  ISSN 0327-5566 (impreso) 
Propietario: Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
Eva Perón 24 (3260 FIB). Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Integrante del Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (CAICyT). Indizada en LATINDEX (Catálogo), SciELO, RedALyC y DIALNET

