Shared Ontology, a View from Learning Networks, State of Art
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Shared Ontology
Cognitive Skills
Online Collaborative Learning
Learning Community
Social Network Analysis

How to Cite

Londoño, O. L., Maldonado Granados, L. F., Hernández Barrero, J. C., Cubillos Lancheros, J. J., & Rodríguez Quesada, E. M. (2015). Shared Ontology, a View from Learning Networks, State of Art. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(51), 217–243. Retrieved from


This article presents the results of an approach review exercise conducted to find support to the shared ontology concept from four perspectives: 1. It presents the meaning and definition of knowledge ontology representation through software SIMAS; 2. It relates the learning of ontology structures to  skills development; 3. It adds technology to improve the dynamics of interaction and collaboration, and to promote the building of shared ontology; 4. It relates the shared ontology concept to the virtual community of learning concept, and highlights the importance of considering interaction among actors through social networks analysis. Ontology structures are useful for an effective information organization in the learning process; while collaboration processes take place, the shared ontology phenomenon arises, and becomes a key element to understand the dynamics of learning communities.

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