Hypermedia writing and digital literacy into the new university tutoring practices
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: literacy, hypermedia, tutoring, higher education, teaching methods

How to Cite

Aguilar Tamayo, M. F. (2021). Hypermedia writing and digital literacy into the new university tutoring practices. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 32(63 (set-dic). https://doi.org/10.33255/3263/870


In the context of a postgraduate university tutoring model, the characteristics and functions of the hypermedia grade are analyzed as a resource and aid to student learning. With a sociocultural approach, the argument is developed that the hypermedia note is a genre produced from hypermedia writing, a form of literacy that integrates written and digital culture. The notes of tutors and advising committees are analyzed from the concept of discourse genre, their structure, composition and graphic elements of the notes and the relationship with oral discourse and dialogue between the participants are described. It is concluded that the writing and reading practices of the hypermedia note open new forms of relationship with the text, produce a genre of multimodal text for academic and educational uses, and is the process and product of the interthinking between tutor and tutored.

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