Didactic-pedagogical strategies for the socio-ecological approach in civil engineering
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Environmental education; didactic-pedagogical strategies; socio-ecological approach; Environment Effect investigation; civil Engineering.

How to Cite

Astelarra, S., & Bochaton, G. I. (2021). Didactic-pedagogical strategies for the socio-ecological approach in civil engineering. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 32(62 may-ago). https://doi.org/10.33255/3262/793


The objective of this work will be to describe and analyse the application of a didactic-pedagogical strategy that favours the socio-ecological approach for the design and planning of a project in civil engineering. Specifically, we characterize the didactic-pedagogical strategy of "Simulation of an Environmental Impact Study" (EsIA) in the curricular framework of the subject "Environmental Management and Sustainable Development" (GAyDS) of the Civil Engineering career of the General Pacheco Regional School. from the National Technological University, Argentina.

In order to structure the article, we first define the theoretical perspectives of analysis, second the approach to the importance of environmental education within civil engineering, third the particular context of the career in which this proposal is situated. Next, we describe the didactic-pedagogical strategy, as well as the reflections it elicits. Finally, we synthesize the relevance of the implementation of this strategy for the socio-ecological approach of civil engineering projects.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Sofía Astelarra, Dra., Guillermo Iván Bochaton


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