Genetic polymorphisms analysis of Ryr1 and SOX6 and porcine meat quality traits
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meat quality

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Rodríguez, V. R., Maffioly, J. I., Martínez, F. M. A., Jenko, C., Fabre, R., & Lagadari, M. (2020). Genetic polymorphisms analysis of Ryr1 and SOX6 and porcine meat quality traits. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(60 may-oct), 228–244.


The incidence of Ryr1 and SOX6 polymorphisms were studied in a population  of northeastern Entre Ríos. Both genes are related to meat quality, Hal is known to be responsible for porcine stress syndrome and the presence of pale, soft and exudative meat (PSE) while SOX6 is a versatile transcription factor and plays an important role in muscle fiber differentiation. The markers at SOX6 loci were tested for their interactions/effect with Ryr1 regarding quality traits. Results showed that the pH and CRA were significantly related to SOX6a while only the ph of the meat was related with SOX6b. Strategy formulation based on this approach will help to support a growing pork industry and respond to consumer demand. Therefore, this work suggests that the selection of genotypes carrying C alleles for Halothane, A for SOX6a and C for SOX6b could improve the production capacity of fresh meat of good quality.
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