Chronicle of an announced invisibility. What does the quality of a scientific magazine depend?
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quality publications
scientific production

How to Cite

Mollo Brisco, G. F., Solari, E., & Blanco, D. (2021). Chronicle of an announced invisibility. What does the quality of a scientific magazine depend?. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 32(62 may-ago).


The purpose of this work is to determine whether the classification assigned by the SCImagoJournal Rank (SJR) indicator to each of its publications is related to the discipline, type of publication and region of origin of the publication. We worked with a population of 31,971 publications. A Pearson Chi-Square analysis and a Logit Model were performed in order to corroborate the null hypothesis (Ho): the hierarchy of the publication cannot be explained through discipline, type of publication and region. The main results allowed to reject the Ho, so it is concluded that the ranking of the publications can be explained through the discipline, the type of publication and the region, so the publication comes from Europe or North America is more likely of belonging to the group of publications with the best classification (Q1 and Q2), while if the publication comes from Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Asian Region, the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific Region, it has negative effects.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriela Fernanda Mollo Brisco, Estfanía Solari, Daniela Blanco


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