The Projects of Technological and Social Development in the University of Buenos Aires
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PDTS; social actors; university; research policies

How to Cite

Senejko, M. P., & Versino, M. (2019). The Projects of Technological and Social Development in the University of Buenos Aires. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(59 nov-abr).


Since the late 1990s, many universities in the country have undergone transformations in the production of knowledge mainly promoted by the creation of policies aimed at addressing external social demands and a greater involvement with non-academic social actors (Arocena and Sutz, 2000 Sutz 2005; Unzué and Rovelli, 2017). The proposal of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT) to create a bank of projects aimed at contemplating specific socio-productive needs required by specific adopters is an example of this and, in turn, posed a new challenge to the Institutions of Higher Education. In the particular case of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), this encouraged the holding of a call for Projects of Technological and Social Development (PDTS) in 2012. This work aims to analyze the results and the performance of the projects of the aforementioned call, which ended in 2015.
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