Putting effectiveness to the test. Functions and limitations of public space video surveillance
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video cameras; video surveillances; tecnology; limitations; non-human actors.

How to Cite

Lio, V. (2020). Putting effectiveness to the test. Functions and limitations of public space video surveillance. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(60 may-oct), 71–105. https://doi.org/10.33255/3160/632


Urban video surveillance has grown exponentially in Argentina during the last decade as a result of two simultaneous processes: the consolidation of situational crime prevention policies and the incorporation of municipalities as relevant actors in the government of security. The growing number of video cameras and the availability of its recordings of public spaces has generated debates and controversies regarding the potential uses of these technologies, their effectiveness in reducing crime and the risks to privacy. The article presents the results of an empirical research on the use of video surveillance in a municipality of the Province of Buenos Aires. From a socio-technical perspective, it explores the ways in which technologies interact with human actors, outlining possibilities and limits of the uses and functions of these urban monitoring systems.

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