Technology, Ideology and Hegemony. Re-thinking the socio-technical processes
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Resistance – Hegemony – Re-signification of technologies

How to Cite

Garrido, S. M., Thomas, H. E., & Becerra, L. D. (2018). Technology, Ideology and Hegemony. Re-thinking the socio-technical processes. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 186–207.


In this paper, we analyze the actions of socio-technical resistance developed by different social actors as forms of resignification of the processes of innovation and technological change.
In order to realize this goal, we propose, firstly, a critical analysis of the approaches on resistance to the technology and the introduction of some conceptual tools of socio-technical analysis. Next, an analysis of two case studies, which allow us to identify at least two forms of socio-technical resistance: a) by re-signification of technologies and b) through the construction of alternative technological systems. Finally, we propose integrative conclusions that allow us to construct a conceptualization of "socio-technical resistance".
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Copyright (c) 2018 Santiago Manuel Garrido, Hernán Eduardo Thomas, Lucas Dardo Becerra


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