Knowledge articulation in legal production on controversial risks
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Legal Knowledge – Scientific Knowledge – Experienced
Based Knowledge
Environmental Risks.

How to Cite

Marichal, M. E., & Berros, M. V. (2018). Knowledge articulation in legal production on controversial risks. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 47–73.


This article presents some considerations over the articulation of legal, scientific and experienced-based knowledge. Theoretic categories coming from the Critical Theory of Law and the Social Science Studies are used to analyze two dimensions of legal creation: law making process and judicial decision. Regarding the first one, we analyze the translation between legal discourse and scientific discourse about scientifically controversial issues, from the study of the parliamentary debate that took place in Argentina during the discussion of Ley N° 26.014/2005 that approved an Argentina – Australia Peaceful Nuclear Energy Use Cooperation Agreement. Regarding the second dimension, the approach focuses on judicial decisions taken over non-ionizing radiation streaming cell phone’s antenna installation and electric power transformation plants. This itinerary allows us to state the need of new institutional proceedings that channels a more adequate interaction between legal knowledge and diverse knowledge making fields over controversial and unavoidably current problems
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