Thesis supervision as a subject of study. It's origin and development through its publications
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thesis supervision
doctoral studies
All but dissertation
Thesis supervisor

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Wainerman, C. ., & Levin, L. (2024). Thesis supervision as a subject of study. It’s origin and development through its publications. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 35(72 (set-dic).


The aim of this article is to contribute to the clarification of the activity of thesis supervision and to promote the professionalisation of the role of the thesis supervisor. Supervision of doctoral theses is always a teaching task carried out at the workplace. It is poorly codified and regulated and therefore left to individual interpretation. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, many higher education studies from around the world have shown that the relationship between supervisor and doctoral student is one of the main factors associated with student success or failure, especially in the doctoral process and especially at the dissertation stage, leading to the term 'all but the dissertation' (colloquially 'ABD'). Therefore, this article intends to record and organise the existing knowledge on the subject, using combined methodologies, qualitative and quantitative, we try to look at the origins of the subject, the main topics researched and it's dynamics and the country distribution of these topics.
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