Vaccination, vaccines and COVID-19: bibliometric analysis of Latin America's scientific publishing capacities
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publications; Latin America; bibliometrics; vaccines; COVID-19

How to Cite

Estrella Santiago, D. P., Stezano Pérez, F. ., & Oliver Espinoza, R. . (2024). Vaccination, vaccines and COVID-19: bibliometric analysis of Latin America’s scientific publishing capacities. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 35(72 (set-dic).


We conducted a bibliometric analysis to examine the performance and trends in the scientific literature on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19 disease, vaccines, and vaccination. Our research focused on publications by Latin American scientists, using the Scopus database from 2020 to early 2024. We tracked thematic changes over time, identified collaboration patterns within Latin America and globally, and observed the discrepancy between the region’s significant scientific output and its limited global visibility. This underscores the importance of enhancing research and dissemination capabilities in Latin America to more effectively address future health crises. Brazil stood out in the region for its extensive collaboration with Europe, high scientific productivity, a large number of researchers, and a strong presence of its journals for disseminating research results, especially in Latin America.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dra. Diana Priscila Estrella Santiago, Dr. Federico Stezano Pérez, Dr. Rubén Oliver Espinoza


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