Consultants, Entrepreneurs, Management tools and the association with social responsibility (Rosario)
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Administrative tools
Social responsibility

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Albano, S. (2016). Consultants, Entrepreneurs, Management tools and the association with social responsibility (Rosario). Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(53). Retrieved from


This paper has addressed the issue of relating entrepreneurs and consultants from Rosario with management administrative tools (M) and social responsibility (SR) to improve their link. A survey has been made to local company managers to establish the M variables. Then, consultants and entrepreneurs were interviewed about the M and SR variables, separately. Differences in opinions were found between entrepreneurs and consultants. It was established those conditions an entrepreneurial and social businessman (CEOS) and an administration consultant must have. It is suggested a consulting service in administration, named Consultoría Acción y Social en Administración (CASA) (Consultancy Action and Social in Administration), which evaluates the M and SR variables. These variables allow linking consultants with  entrepreneurs and at the same time adding shared value not only to the company, but also to the society in the administrative management of their clients, what allows the development of a social and entrepreneurial management.

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