Digital education from the perception of Havana’s middle education students
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digital education
educational technology
digital literacy
middle education

How to Cite

Carballo Soca, A. A., Torralbas Oslé, J. E., & Cristóbal Yaech, A. (2024). Digital education from the perception of Havana’s middle education students. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 35(70 (ene-abr).


This research characterizes the perception that Havana families of secondary school students have of digital education. For this, a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study, of descriptive and correlational scope was conducted, in which 296 mothers and fathers of students of basic secondary, pre-university and technical and professional education participated. They answered a questionnaire that investigates their notion of digital education, the meanings they give it and the link they have with it. Descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests guided the analysis. The results indicate an instrumentalist vision of digital education, followed by a high level of ignorance of what it is. They consider that it is used at a medium level, mainly through groups on social networks and messaging and learning applications with mobile devices. A negative assessment of its components predominates, dissatisfaction with respect to the use of digital education and wishes that it be inserted to a greater extent in a middle ground. The main recommendation they offer is to improve and facilitate access to digital technologies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alberto Antonio Carballo Soca, Jorge Enrique Torralbas Oslé, Alejandra Cristóbal Yaech


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