Is the doctorate always a lonely journey? Case study of a doctorate that is thought of as a community of practice
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posgraduate education
research training
communities of practice

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Fernandez Fastuca, L. (2024). Is the doctorate always a lonely journey? Case study of a doctorate that is thought of as a community of practice. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 35(70 (ene-abr).


In this article we carry out a case study to analyze the curriculum of doctoral programs for the training of researchers, which presents distinctive pedagogical notes. This implies training in a craft that has different characteristics depending on the disciplinary area. These particularities of the craft imply that training in it is a process of enculturation in a community of practice; in this case the academic community.

We carried out a qualitative research of an interpretive nature, with a case study design. The data collection techniques were diverse: documentary analysis, interviews and focus groups. The results indicate that the curriculum is a collective construction based on the principle of interdisciplinary research on applied problems. For this, pedagogical devices are proposed that promote joint work as a community of practice. Specifically, student participation in the design of course offerings, community-mediated monitoring, and specialist-mediated monitoring. The latter are formative evaluation mechanisms that promote accompaniment throughout the entire formative journey.
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