Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of a wine of borojó (Alibertia patinoi cuantrec).
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Borojo (Alibertia patinoi cuatrec)
fruit wines
alcoholic beverage

How to Cite

García Zapateiro, L. A., Florez Mendoza, C. I., & Marrugo Ligardo, Y. (2016). Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of a wine of borojó (Alibertia patinoi cuantrec). Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from



The main objective of this research was the physicochemical characterization of a wine Borojó (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec) for the exploitation of this exotic fruit of the Colombian Pacific. Borojó wine (Alibertia patinoi cuantrec) was obtained from the fermentation of the must, after this stage the wine was clarification and filtration process to give it shine and finish the final product. The physicochemical characterization was performed to wine obtained had a content of 9.25 alcohol degree and amount of congeners within established parameters. With the encrypted values as minimum and maximum they are taken from 708 Colombian Technical Standard (NTC 708) for fruit wine, the values obtained was for acceptance the law of alcoholic beverages. The results of the microbiological analyzes were within acceptable ranges for pulp borojó (Alibertia patinoi cuantrec) and wine obtained.

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