Nuclear Power production and Social Resistances: Three decades of claims for an «anti-nuclear Córdoba»
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Nuclear Power; Social Resistances; Antinuclear Protests; Environmental Conflicts

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Piaz, A. (2020). Nuclear Power production and Social Resistances: Three decades of claims for an «anti-nuclear Córdoba». Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(61 nov-mar).


In this paper we study the actions of resistance to nuclear technology in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. We describe and analyze contentious episodes that emerge around the production process of nuclear power from the return to democracy in 1983 to the present. Actors, arguments and ways in which resistance to the development of nuclear technology are implemented are identified, as well as the consequences and results it has produced. It is argued that the actions of resistance to nuclear technology in Córdoba have developed with various levels of citizen participation and visibility in the public sphere for more than three decades. During this period, resistance has promoted controversies over energy production, the environmental issue and promoted impacts on technological processes and collective claims.
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