Characterization of the teacher identity from communication in virtual forums for instruction
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distance education
educational practice
teacher identity
content analysis
virtual forums

How to Cite

Villarruel Fuentes, M., Pérez Santiago, F., & Alarcón Silva, G. (2015). Characterization of the teacher identity from communication in virtual forums for instruction. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(50), 89–119. Retrieved from


Among the factors that best explain the success of an educational institution are teachers who make possible the deployment of the curriculum. Therefore it is necessary to assume a teaching identity that allows them to meet their academic and social functions, but at the same time act as cultural brokers. Based on this, characterization of the identity of a group of teachers who carry out their work in a Technological Institute of Mexico was raised. The study was based on the Content Analysis and considered 28 teachers who took during eight months a virtual Diploma in teaching skills, through the Moodle platform. The analysis of their participation in 10 discussion forums allowed to identify a markedly institutional identity aligned with the official discourse, in favor of a functionalist sense of education.

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