Analysis of electricity consumption in Antinaco - Los Colorados Valley. Relevance of agriculture
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Energy Demand
Consumer Intensity

How to Cite

Gareis, M. C., & Miguel, R. E. (2019). Analysis of electricity consumption in Antinaco - Los Colorados Valley. Relevance of agriculture. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(58 may-oct), 182–204.


Energy is an indispensable resource for the development of productive activities. Its demand and consumption by certain sectors is an indicator about the model on which a region is based. The objective of this work is to analyze the consumption of electric energy that human activities carry out in the territory of the Antinaco-Los Colorados Valley (valc), La Rioja (Argentina). We worked with data from public reports for the period 1996-2014, analyzed the use of energy by sectors and users, the intensity of consumption and then contrasted the situation of the valc with the provincial and national situation. The electricity consumptions in valc are strongly linked to the agricultural sector, therefore, the agriculture in the Valley show a dependence and vulnerability to changes or fluctuations
in the electricity service.
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