Safe and responsible use of ICT: an approach from the technoethics
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Vivas, W. J. (2018). Safe and responsible use of ICT: an approach from the technoethics. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(57 nov-abr), 235–255.


At present, there is much talk about ICTs, some tend to be technophiles, are considered devotees and defend their incorporation into teaching. On the other hand, there are skeptics of the "goodness" they offer, they paint them as "risky". Thus, we can not forget that every innovation has a certain duality which is not alien to ICT, besides being a contribution to techno-scientific progress in human life, they do not escape the problems that have revealed the ethical and moral assumptions that constitute the Basis of our current society. Therefore, in this research, it is sought to investigate the uses that ICT students make in their daily contexts, especially the academic. An exploratory study was carried out, information was obtained from 92 middle school students and there were techno-theoretical problems that have to be addressed since they affect social and school relations.
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