Misoprostol as an abortion drug: the co-construction process of its posology
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Mateo, N. (2023). Misoprostol as an abortion drug: the co-construction process of its posology. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 34(69 (set-dic). https://doi.org/10.33255/3469/1624


Currently, misoprostol is the drug recommended by the World Health Organization for safe and ambulatory abortions. In this article we will explore the controversy surrounding the process of co-construction of its indications as an abortifacient drug in Argentina during the 2000s. Unlike other Latin American countries, its first uses as a contractile inducer in the field of gastroenterology had not been recognized for this type of practice. We propose a diversified methodological strategy that incorporates not only the discourses, but also the practices of those who were involved in the period analyzed from the analysis of written sources and in-depth interviews. Starting from a problematization of the search for an effective dosage of misoprostol from the perspective of the social construction of technology, we propose a series of discussions around scientific evidence and indications by health professionals, women who used the medication and the feminist movement. Unlike the analytical proposal of linear visions of technological innovation, in this article we investigate the centrality of these actors during the decade analyzed in the controversy surrounding an effective posology of misoprostol as an abortion drug.

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