Creativity and Science. A biographical study of Argentine scientists
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Argentine scientists
creative systems
knowledge production
science and technology

How to Cite

Elisondo, R. C. (2015). Creativity and Science. A biographical study of Argentine scientists. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from


Creativity is a requirement of science. Scientific developments require permanent activation of creative processes associated with knowledge production. Contextual biographical study of creative processes developed by Argentine scientists who have made significant contributions in various areas of research is presented. Analyzes support the consideration of creativity as socio-cultural process that involves multiple interactions with other people and different cultural objects. The knowledge learned and built with other play a prominent role in science creative process. The study of the lives of creative scientists shows the complexity of creativity and offers interesting gaps for science teaching and research methodologies. It also provides insight into how creative ideas beyond the fields of knowledge and are critical to the development of science, technology and education.

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