What theory for social intervention? Regarding a false dichotomy and a persistent challenge in Social Work

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Nicolás Alberto Lobos


The dichotomy between theory and practice is a permanent topic in the disciplinary field of Social Work. In this article we will argue that this dichotomy is, in part, false since all practice is full of theories. Among them, what we will call the ideology of the social problems we are trying to deconstruct occupies a central place. On the other hand, the aforementioned disarticulation is a real problem given that - although there are innumerable theoretical discourses in the disciplinary field - not all of them contribute in a profitable way to the elucidation of concrete social interventions. We will attempt a classification of the most widespread theories in the field and analyze the structure, peculiarities and effects of each type in order to finally propose a characterization of the type of theory that, we believe, facilitates the approach to the realities of intervention situations. We will also attempt a materialistic and realistic definition of social intervention that makes it possible to understand what actually happens in concrete social interventions. 


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How to Cite
Lobos, N. A. (2024). What theory for social intervention? Regarding a false dichotomy and a persistent challenge in Social Work. Utopías. Segunda época, (2), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.33255/26181800/2012


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