A utopian hermeneutics: structural closure, multiplicity or erotic prowling

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Fiorella Guaglianone


This article explores some tensions between the problem of the utopian form, addressed by Jameson, and the utopian affects, conceptualized by Muñoz. Without claiming to be conclusive, these intersections will be guided by the question of the effects of thinking utopia(s) for sexual dissidences in neoliberal capitalism. More specifically, I will look into certain possibilities of a hermeneutics of utopia that is sensitive to anti-normative, dissident or queer sexual politics.


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How to Cite
Guaglianone, F. (2024). A utopian hermeneutics: structural closure, multiplicity or erotic prowling. Utopías. Segunda época, (1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.33255/26181800/1755


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