Hinges” that differentiate but unite Segments of Government Accounting with Management Accounting


  • Milagros Rafaghelli Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos


The objective of this paper is to reveal the context that has led to Government Accounting to adopt Management Accounting tools; and from there analyze the applicability of the Balanced Scorecard, from private activity, for measuring the performance of state organizations. For this, a documentary research is carried out with secondary sources, reaffirming, consequently, that Accounting Science, in its broad conception, allows to respond to the needs that state action requires, not only by providing information within the framework of the traditional control model financial and legality, but also to channel the new social and political demands of accountability to different stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Rafaghelli, M. . (2023). Hinges” that differentiate but unite Segments of Government Accounting with Management Accounting. Ejes De Economía Y Sociedad, 7(13), 68–74. Retrieved from https://pcient.uner.edu.ar/index.php/ejes/article/view/1163