Information For Authors

Guidelines for collaborators

One of the purposes of the journal Ejes de economía y sociedad is to contribute to the debate and circulation of unpublished academic production in the areas of knowledge of the Social Sciences.

Committed to the promotion and production of the accounting, administrative, legal, mathematical, statistical, economic and humanistic fields of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Entre Ríos, it disseminates its spaces so that more and more external authors from all over Argentina can publicize their research.

It is proposed as a biannual journal that is published in the months of July and December of each year.

The EJES Journal publishes articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. In the event that the originals are written in a language other than Spanish, their translation into this language is also published.

Authors who carry out their research with funding must mention their type, institution and name of the project in which they are registered.

Authors must declare that the work is original and that they assign the publication rights to EJES by completing and signing the Letter of originality and license of the journal Ejes de Economía y Sociedad ( ) and send it to the magazine's email (

Authors can register on the journal's website (only after sending their nominated production to the email address specified above) and in order to follow the entire publication process in

The evaluation of the works is carried out by double-blind peer evaluation. The evaluation criteria can be found in

Both reviews, bibliographic essays, and research articles submitted for consideration by the journal, must have the following rules for their presentation:

Arial, 12 points, single line spacing, A4 size sheet. A version of the text in Word for Windows format must be submitted. Briefs should be emailed and if desired (not mandatory) via the journal's portal.

Articles must have a maximum length of 70,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and bibliography at the end of the text. An abstract in Spanish and English of a maximum length of 800 characters with spaces (10 lines) must be added at the beginning, in addition to the keywords and title in English and Spanish.

Reviews will have a maximum length of approximately 12,000 characters (4 pages).

The journal EJES de Economía y Sociedad (EJES) follows the citation standards of the APA 7 (American Psychological Association 7th edition). You can find them here:

For the publication of book reviews, they are accepted if the reviewed text was published a maximum of 5 years before the call and must deal with topics related to the journal's specialty. If there is the possibility of communicating with the author of the book reviewed, he is invited to make a response or reply, no longer than 2 or 3 pages, this to generate channels of discussion within the journal.

The revision period does not exceed 90 days after receipt of the original. Once the review and adaptation processes have been completed, if requested by the peer evaluators, the accepted work will be published in the following issue of EJES.

The submission of a manuscript published on another site by another author (plagiarism) or by the same author (duplicate publication) is considered serious ethical misconduct that invalidates the publication in our publication; Authors are also advised to monitor for all forms of partial self-plagiarism.

The detection of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism is carried out by style detection at the preliminary reading stage. In the event of finding plagiarized fragments, the text is rejected. In case of finding fragments that the author has already published, the rewriting and reformulation of the article is requested in order not to incur in self-plagiarism.

The EJES magazine adheres to the license