Female labor insertion in the central region of Argentina (2003-2018)


  • Matías Leonel Romero Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UNER


Mercado Laboral, Participación laboral femenina, Equidad de género


This research will attempt to give a description of the problems of the Female Labor Insertion, a process that has its causes and consequences in social, economic and cultural aspects of women's lives. It is proposed to perform an analysis of the Female Labor Insertion and gender inequalities that exist in the Labor Market in the Central Region of Argentina, taking as a reference the period 2003-2018 on a quarterly basis. Using the data provided by the Permanent Household Survey (PHS), to specify the proposed objectives. The results obtained show the differences between the two genders in terms of these indicators, in most cases in terms unfavorable to the female group.


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How to Cite

Romero, M. L. (2020). Female labor insertion in the central region of Argentina (2003-2018). Ejes De Economía Y Sociedad, 4(6), 117–146. Retrieved from https://pcient.uner.edu.ar/index.php/ejes/article/view/880


