An approach to the productive structure of Entre Ríos from the 1947 National Census and other statistical sources in the first Peronist government (1946-1955).


  • Nadia Flores FCEco UNER


Productive Etructure, Industrial Development, Entre Ríos, Peronism


The 1940s were marked by two important political events at the national level, the so-called Revolution of June 4, 1943 and the rise of Perón in 1946, beginning the first period of Peronism until 1955. During the Peronist government, there was a strong expansion of the The state apparatus and its various functions are incorporated into the working class in economic, social and political terms, while, despite the limitations, the emergence of a national bourgeoisie is promoted and the industrialization model is promoted (Basualdo, 2005). Despite the strong promotion policies in the industrial sector that are carried out at the national level and the attempts to follow these same guidelines at the provincial level, in the latter there is no consolidated process of industrialization. From this line of thought, an analysis of the provincial productive situation during the first term of Peronism is carried out, observing and generating information to be able to develop conclusions about the economic dynamics of Entre Ríos in those years.


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How to Cite

Flores, N. (2020). An approach to the productive structure of Entre Ríos from the 1947 National Census and other statistical sources in the first Peronist government (1946-1955). Ejes De Economía Y Sociedad, 4(7), 59–84. Retrieved from


