Pobladores isleños frente a políticas de conservación: relaciones conflictivas en el Parque Nacional “Islas de Santa Fe” (Argentina)


  • Brian Ferrero CONICET Universidad Nacional de Rafaela
  • Ernesto Massa Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA Oro Verde)
  • Eduardo Spiaggi Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Delta Superior del río Paraná - Población isleña - Políticas de conservación.


The upper delta of the Paraná River, is an area that has been undergoing profound transformations since the beginning of this decade. For more than a decade, the area has been subject to various actions that seek its conservation, in this sense, programs such as PIECAS, Sustainable Delta, a Ramsar Site, and the Islas de Santa Fe National Park. This goal or this article is to analyze the process of creation of this National Park, and the tensions that have been generated over ten years with the populations that inhabited the area prior to the Park. Given that in 2020, two families still persist in the area and a process of dialogue with the Park authorities has begun, here we propose a set of productive alternatives that include conservation policies and that include the inhabitants and their way of life.


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How to Cite

Ferrero, B., Massa, E., & Spiaggi, E. (2021). Pobladores isleños frente a políticas de conservación: relaciones conflictivas en el Parque Nacional “Islas de Santa Fe” (Argentina). Ejes De Economía Y Sociedad, 5(9), 81–101. https://doi.org/10.33255/25914669/593