About the Journal

The journal EJES de Economía y Sociedad (EjES) is a publication of the Faculty of Economic Sciences (FCECO, Paraná branch) of the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER), Argentina.
Although one of the main interests of the journal is the investigation of problems related to the past, present and future of the economy and society, its objective is the dissemination of scientific research on more general issues, in the fields of social sciences and humanities.
The journal publishes original and unpublished works, carried out through specific techniques or through interdisciplinary mechanisms, with the explicit aim of stimulating debate and theoretical-methodological interactions and intersections.
The contents of the journal, which are freely and immediately accessible, are intended for members of the scientific community, but also for a mass audience, based on the principle of democratization and exchange of knowledge as a contribution not only to the intellectual dynamic in particular, but to the social dynamic in general.

The Journal is open access and is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Responsibilities of the Editor

Manuscripts are reviewed by the internal Editorial Board, which reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not conform to the standards, quality and topics of the journal. The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript rests exclusively with the Editor.

It is the duty of this Committee to notify the authors about the evaluation process, in particular about the reception, sending of external evaluations, acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. It must also safeguard the anonymity of the external evaluators, unless a reviewer determines otherwise.

Responsibilities of the Author

Authors will assume, by means of an uploaded letter with the rest of the files required at the time of submission, the commitment to evaluate manuscripts during the time their article is in the editorial process.

Authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript, the veracity and accuracy of the data, complying with submitting original and unpublished works that are not being simultaneously evaluated in another journal or media, as well as having all publication rights.

It is the authors' responsibility to follow the editorial standards, checking structure, writing, and spelling.

Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors will transfer the rights of their articles to Ejes de Economía y Sociedad, and this journal may publish them in physical and/or electronic formats.